Quick Credit Tip For You…

Here is one quick credit tip for getting your credit scores higher… Did you realize that 30% of your score is made up of the ratio between your available credit vs your actual balances on revolving credit accounts (like credit cards)? You don’t want to charge these accounts over 50% of the available balance, and…


Here’s a USDA tip for you… First, you should know that USDA family income caps.   …In other words if you make too much money you won’t qualify for a USDA loan. Here is the link to check the income for your area…http://eligibility.sc.egov.usda.gov/eligibility/incomeEligibilityAction.do Important: USDA goes by total household income! In other words if you…

A Nice Note From A Borrower…

A while back I posted problem / solution point about how you should make your mortgage company has more than one underwriting option. Here was the original post: http://berkshirelending.com/2015/12/02/make-sure-your-mortgage-company-has-this/ At that time I had a borrower contact me that had seen the post, and was having trouble with his then current mortgage company. I ended…