Two Quick Credit Tips…

Here are two quick credit tips for you… 1) 30% of your score is made up of the ratio between your available credit vs your actual balances on revolving credit accounts (like credit cards). You don’t want to charge these accounts over 50% of the available balance, and its even better if you can keep…

Foreclosure Wait Times…

I wanted to quickly go over the waiting period various loan programs have for Foreclosure. FHA – 3 years from completion date. Exceptions with extenuating circumstances are allowed. VA – 2 years from completion date with an automated system refer. Fannie Mae – 7 years from completion date, or if you can get an automated…

News On USDA Loans…

Here is an interesting change regarding Manufactured Housing with the USDA program. We were previously restricted to only being able to purchase new Manufactured Homes off the lot with USDA loans. In other words you couldn’t use a USDA loan to purchase an existiing manufactured home already on land. Now you can purchase existing mobile homes…