
Apply Online

Request a Loan Assessment

Timely and accurate information is the key to obtaining a letter of interest or formal application.
If you would like an assessment of your loan request, with no obligation, submit the following documentation:

  1. Loan request with use of proceeds.
  2. Three (3) years operating statements.
  3. Three (3) years tax returns on borrowing entity and each principal.
  4. Financial statements on borrowing entityand each principal (current, signed and dated).
  5. Rent roll / lease summary.
  6. Copies of all leases.
  7. Project history narrative.
  8. Purchase agreement (if applicable).
  9. Third party reports (if available).
  10. Color photos.

Please submit all requested documentation to:
Berkshire Lending
660 N. Central Expressway, Suite 102
Plano, TX. 75074
Phone:  888-875-7675
Fax:  214-461-0448

Or via email to: